Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sometimes they call me Heidi...

About my boy toy Justin Nozuka....V is nina my co-worker X is the boy im pimping her out to.

V says:
yes he is very cute and has a beautiful voice but hes all urs

V says:
i like mine scruffy

rebecca says:
X is far from scruffy

rebecca says:
although he doesnt always comb his hair

V says:
lol--told u pretty boys make me wary

V says:
thats why i like my computer nerds *sigh*

rebecca says:
he is a nerd and he aint a pretty boy

rebecca says:
im gonna use u as bait

rebecca says:
to get him to bring me a desk when i find one

V says:
thats nice -ur such a good friend =P

V says:
that was scarasm btw

rebecca says:
gotta use my assetts

V says:
u do -I know u do!

rebecca says:
everyone says to me "You friends are all so pretty"

rebecca says:
so i have to use u guys up

V says:
u abusing them now

rebecca says:
to get what i need in life

rebecca says:
he would do it anyway...but i figured id give him a lil incentive

V says:
thanks I never once thought in my life i was going to have a republican, white, lawyer girl be my pimp

V says:
dang i guess i surprised myself even

rebecca says:
just call me heidi

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"to get what i need in life" haha. I love it.