The big 3-0 is in exactly one week. Big party next Sat. A good amount of people have R.S.V.P'd and my BFF is handling all the details! I don't have to do shiet! Except look fabulous.
I've lost 2 of the five pounds I had gained. It feels like more though because my clothes are all loose again! All I have to do know is start bleeding...(for school see previous post) and I'll be set.
Somedays I feel really lucky and today is one of them. My friends kick ass! They are so good to me and I am a hard friend to have. Being as intense as I am-- I generally wear people out. Even people I don't know personally...(fellow bloggers) are so damn supportive. It's nice to know when you are feeling crazy people are there to straighten you out.
Tomorrow is my Boss's bday! The M-Law gals and I made a scrap book for him. He is the sentimental type so that is sure to make him cry. I can't wait.
บริการกีฬาคนพิการ – Mufasabet
2 years ago
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