Today as walked like a human hurricane, like I always do, face down, feet moving fast, I noticed all the chicks in the community break room. The smell of their greasy food and the sound of their chitter chatter and giggles reminded me of "the work girls." When work is your life, you work 8-5, go home, watch tv, go to sleep and do it again. Not go to work, go to school all night, and study in between. (Thats my life for the past 3 years)
God I miss that...For my own narrcissistic pleasure I will document the series of work girls that have crossed my path throughout the years...I don't think my future profession allows for the comraderie of "work girls" it's more like the other bitch attorney down the hall...and we both think each of us is smarter AND cuter than the other.
So Lets See.....
Work Girls Pager Store: Three girls, two older and one my age. We got pretty close but my first memory of work girls is when I was 18 so my memory is foggy.
Work Girls AC Co. #1....
This is where it really began, I was 19 years old and messed up. I was like an orphan and these women took me on, groomed me, taught me how to be a lady, and how to file. I feel like this was a seminal time frame in my life because the people that worked here including one of the owners, took a special interest in me and pushed me to start school again, fix my credit, and stay sober so I could remain employed... We had so many traditions, eating donuts every single day, christmas parties, birthday parites, ordering breakfast, ordering lunch. Candle Parties, Saturday night RAW wrestling LIVE! "Can you Smell what THE ROCK is cooking!" I can't explain what I feel like inside when i remember this stuff. During this timeframe "The Ex's" brother died and "The other Ex" posted a fucking sign on the corner where my job was located that said, I LOVE YOU JD, LOVE "THE OTHER EX." I found out from the work girls, they called me at home. I drove my ass over there so fast and ripped that thing down. It was on the corner of a major intersection. It's a great feeling. Those women really helped shape me. I love them all.
Ok, I'll spare you...the MLaw Ladies are equally important but I've blogged about them in the past, if you are curious. Then there are the AC#2 girls but they were all assholes except one. There was a lot that went on during that time too. Ill blog later...
I bored myself already.....
บริการกีฬาคนพิการ – Mufasabet
2 years ago
Your story reminds me of one of my past work environments. I remember the day this young really tall girl, not even old enough to drink, appeared in our little somewhat close nit group of "girls". This youngin had spunk, which was not what the rest of us was really used too. I was the second youngest of them all and I thought it was great to have a new spunky girl on board. This girl had legal issues pending, boyfriend troubles, mother issues, and the oldest car you ever did see. I actually took a liking to her right away, it was the other "girls" that were kind of vicous. I gotta give it to her though, she hung in there and didnt give in to the others. She held her own and didnt take shit from anyone. She spoke her mind and was her own person. She never did try to make anyone like her, cus she really didnt care. She was tough, smart, and an awesome friend. Too bad I never really talk to her much these days, but I hope she knows that that part of my life was so much better just cuz she was in it. I wish her all the best.
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